Evo City Commercial ₱98.2M to ₱178.8M Estimated Price as of 04/01/2024DHSUD LS No. 000405 (Evo City Commercial Lots 1 Phase 2)DHSUD Ad Approval No. AA-R3A-020822-0031 (Evo Comm Lots 1 Phase 2) Pre-selling commercial lots in Cavite The first of its kind in Kawit, Evo City outlines the trajectory for contemporary central business districts with innovative urban design and systems, energizing efficiency, and amplified potential for living and investments. As a hub for emerging or established businesses, Evo City West District presents 31 commercial lots within seven blocks. Located within proximity of Evo City Boulevard, right across the Visitor Center and Church and adjacent to The Residences at Evo City, these commercial spaces are strategically situated right at the heart of the key areas in the estate. On the other hand, Evo City South District features 18 lots for its first phase. Located along Daang-Hari Link Road, Innovation Drive, and adjacent to The Residences at Evo City, Evo City South District is a vibrant hub for contemporary commercial ventures. At over 200-hectares, Evo City is a rising business district. The area presents opportunities for residents to unwind, relax, and live dynamically. Evo City is distinctly embraced by nature while providing access to everyday conveniences through its suitable selection of shops and its overall strategic location. Located in Kawit, Cavite just five kilometers away from the Manila-Cavite Expressway (CAVITEX), Evo City offers the advantage of having efficient access to key Metro Manila cities and other urban areas. Through existing and forthcoming transportation infrastructure developments, Evo City is considered well-positioned and strategically located to become a significant growth center in the region. What’s Nearby